Showing posts with the label story-moryShow all
i hate to be alone!
I wish I could have him!
Friday:All the way to Shah Alam!
Is it SINFUL being a fashionable girl?!
not just the world is spinning LOL~
[Musabaqah] Al-Fatihah...
The story of the 'tayar'
i dreamed about him~
Iftar with my BEST-Tie
shoes vs the fragile me!
my aimless Aim for every Ramadhan =))
haiyooo..Harimau Malaya~
Harimau Malaya kasi 5-0!
my 'spicy' wrap-up for the Urbanscapes 2011
the LAST day as an intern!
oh, this is sooOOo anticipating!
i cried for my own dumbness~
Don't TALK to me when i ain't the MOOD coz
i'm TIRED, Good Night!
i knw i'm late, Congrates Bro. Hassan!