whats the meaning of the..huuuuuu?? nah, it means SCARY, sadness and SATISFACTION! ^^ yup, those meaning of my huuuuuuuuuuuu...are refer to this HOT-new film by Syamsul Yusof (who is not my favourite at all....BEFORE!!!!) hahahaha..
honestly, which film you can saw he's acting as the main role?? the answer should be..ONLY IN HIS OWN FILM! right? ("~___~) but this time, i should say that i forgive him as this FILM IS GREAT...seriously..
the scary-darry scenes are SCARY......okeyh, at least they will making you wanna cover half of your eyes and be ready to shriek out!! (sakit perut i tau tahan nak jerit tapi MALU...~ hahahaa..last-last terJERIT jugerr...) ^^
if you do not believe me...i reckon you to see these...huuuuuuuuu.. (nak jugerr... ><)

guys, we should credit the actress SABRINA ALI for her enormous performance here..as my personal opinion, this film will not work our well without her (FYI: im not her fan BEFORE this ^^)

hahahahha...when i knew that LIYANA JASMAY will be pair with the-director-who-take-himself-as-the-actor-in-his-own-film, SYAMSUL YUSOF as a husband and wife...i was like Euuww..tak sesuainyerr nak jadi bini orang..! but when i watched it just now, IT IS TRUE THAT SHE IS NOT SUITABLE to play a wife role yet LOL~ but as usual..im alwasy adore her acting skill, she's good ^^
okeyhh..as for the director who claims himself as an actor..i admire the last part where he gave his best performance and huhuuhuu...it was sad to see you cried like that bang~ hadoiiii..jatuh cinta dah...~

now, why does this photo appear here.....
Syamsul, YOU'RE LOOKING CUTE~ ("~_____~)
eh wait..about the rating..hemmm..
3.99 out of 5 sizzling stars boleh x??
the reason, YOU WILL NOT EXPECT THE ENDING and the question of who is actually the reason behind those chaos are the attraction of this film. therefore, as expected hehehe...im HIGHLY RECOMENDED you guys to watch KHURAFAT!!
tata...and for now and onward...Syamsul is mine~ hahahhahahahhahahah...lawaknyer.. XD
teringinnyaaa nak tengokkk! huahhhh,
ReplyDeletesangat2 kot. hukhuk.
heheh..g la tgk..
ReplyDeleteserius takot berdebar lah..n serius BERBALO BALOI ^^
ramai kwn review best. tingin nk tgk neh. cuma aritu tgk the making, adoeh, ost pilem symsul nyanyi sndiri ke? jammm....
ReplyDeletegilerr seram citer ni dear..xmo tgok g..
ReplyDeleteseram nye.. xnak tengok aaa camni . huhu
ReplyDeletefarihaha-->huuuu..xtau ye ke die nyanyi??ni nk donlod nih..HAHAHAHH org dh jatoh cinta~ ngok! >.<
ReplyDeletewanie->mmg seram..hahah tu yg sy suke tuh!! XD
ReplyDeletefathiyah-->eh g lah BEST tau...seram bru lah berbaloi tgk! ^^
ReplyDeletewah wah..filem yang direkemen oleh suzai perlu ditonton ni..huhu~
ReplyDeletethanks for the review... tdk dpt tgk dpt baca sinopsis pun jadik la huhu.. salam kenal and follow ur lovely blog...
ReplyDeletek.yana-->hahahaha..YUP YUP MMG WAJIB DITONTON! XD
ReplyDeletehanis-->LOL napenyer..g la tgk..hehhe ^^ THANKS A LOT dear..
ReplyDeletekonfem berbeza dgn filem2 seram tempatan sebelum ni ka?
ReplyDelete-aku yg tgh mencari komen2 ttg filem khurafat... rasa ingin tgk, tapi takut duit terbazir dan x berbaloi-
raulzaidi-->i think this is better than jgn pdg blkg larr..the effect n HANTU DIE REAL lah skeet dr JPB tuh..hehehe..
ReplyDeletersnyer as to show that we support our local film..this gonna be BERBALOI BALOI lah~ ^^
Dah tgk last nite!!! XD
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