1st and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (n___n) wish this year gonna be so much better that the previous 2010...amin...and i think it is still not too late for me to CONGRATULATE our HARIMAU MALAYA for the winning the Suzuki Cup last year! (hehehe~) you guys are awesome and please maintain that spirits for the next-next international cup!
okeyhh..let me introduce this not-so-new restaurant here in Seksyen 7, Bandar Baru Bangi called as Chinese Wok restaurant. obviously they served my fav kind of food CHINESE dishes in 2 types of serving which is ala carte and steamboat buffet! the charge for the steamboat buffet is AS LOWER AS RM30 per adult.
we were having so much FUN eating non-stop although the huge restaurant were fully packed with customers. of course, the buffet were constantly finished from time to time but the workers kept on adding it, so there is no question of IM NOT SATISFY with my RM30! huhuhu~ here are the proof of the FUN dining. gua ni asal makan jer memang seronok ^^
mama yang bapak sonoknyer makan ais krim XD ..hahaha mesti dia xsuke pic nih..dia xcun!

with my mom and my sis...thanks along for paying the bills! ^^
thus, surely im highly RECOMENDED you guys to go and experience it by yourself as i would love to give them 4.5 out 5 sizzling stars! ^^
nampak best.. boleh try ni.. dh dkt sgt dgn rumah..
ReplyDeleteBest nyer makan2. I actually xpenah pun makan steamboat. Huhu.. how sad. :(
ReplyDeleteNway, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011. May this year be much more prosperous.
k.hanis-->eh dkat ngan umh akk ke?? umah akk katne ni ^^
ReplyDeletemr.zamri-->alaa ciannyer..g lah try shabu-shabu kat times square 4 d beginner...hahhaha SGT BERBALOI!!! XD heppy new year too...
ReplyDeletebest! best!... melaka mmg best
ReplyDeletehee.laen kali jgn lupe pkai kebaya nyonya time dtg melaka.pastu amek gambar kat pekan ala2 china town tu.mst cun gle! ;)
ReplyDeletemunna-->yup melaka skg mmg best ^^
ReplyDeletesalwa-->hahaha XD
ReplyDeletesbnanyer dh smpi kat bangunan2 tu mmg nk posing2 maut dh..tp XDE GENG coz my sis n my mom bkannyer suke mek2 gamba nih! XP
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