hey guys, sorry for making you waiting for my new entry a.k.a old story which i kept it in my lappy..hehehe ^^ but again i have to apologize here as this entry is still about the 'streetmarket' that i have attended last week because i've promised to share with you the stylish HIJABI girl that i have successfully captured during the event.
Nah, take a look ^^

huhu, this one look like 2 japanese girl, right? ^^ oh, i just LOVE the blazer style here!
to all the girls, THANKS A LOT for letting me to photograph your look and upload here in my blog yarrr...kamsahamnida. so, if you are reading this entry and you LOVE it..click the FOLLOWER button erkk..hahahhaha boleh plak kn! ^^
neway, as the tittle above WHAT-WHEN-WEAR? is my new segment of this infamous fashion blog, and insyAllah whenever i go to a fashion event, i will try to capture the fashionista look and share with you here as the inspiration for you to be as gorgeous as WE ARE! hahahahha...akuh pon masuk sekali kan! ("^___^)
actually, this is my 2nd time doing this kind of thing..so if you wanna steal some of the hijabi girl's look at the MAYSAA event, CLICK HERE
thus, i hope i can meet more stylish HIJABI girls out there, since im always ADMIRING & ADORING their courage to wear SOMETHING THAT ORDINARY PEOPLE DON'T WEAR but still look modest and islamisation. hehehe...so that i can steal their idea and implement it to my own look LOL~ ^^
ehhh, before we end here is THE WINNER OF ALL THE ABOVE LOOK!!!! ("^________^)

^^ so, bang in the kasut merah mak ngah, if you are also reading my blog, do please contact me and get you prize...k? HAHAHA..zass!!! guys, thanks for spending your time on my blog....XOXO ^^
sgt worthy dropping by ur blog. seriously :)
ReplyDeletehuhuu..THANKS A LOT farihah..u r my loyal commentator here..tq 4 that! ^^ jom r kt jmp skali..uia je pon kn hehehhe..
ReplyDeletewahhh... sume cantek2 :)
ReplyDeleteyup, byk lagi yg cantek2 ni but i pon SIBUK nk shop juge...hahha so mane y sempat je lah ^^
ReplyDeleteWah, kat mana tempat tu? bestnya... nak bawa Diba g shopping kt ctu r...
ReplyDeletehii..im ella! do you remember me? :) sy yg pki tudung biru with the black jumper.. :) btw, this is my first time masuk ur blog.. ;D nice to meet you dear.. and tq for the pic.. :)
ReplyDeletehave a good day!
azham-->die cam streetmarket on that date je..insyAllah de lg t tp i xtau la ble..nex time i gtau u n diba debot ek..kem salam kat die ^^
ReplyDeletesh suhaila-->hi dear nice meeting u here..of coz la i ingat i y tangkap gamba u..hheheheh THANKS A LOT 4 DROPPING by here ek..XOXO ^^
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