Saturday: 22nd January 2011: 12pm - 6pm
Chic POP Street Market 6 @ Jaya One, Jalan Universiti, Section 14, Petaling Jaya (MY)
dear fashionista, i am here to promote this event which called as the Chic POP street market by the Malaysia most famous fashion website, Tongue in Chic. if you are unfamiliar with it, go and visit them right now! CLICK HERE
yup, it is not their 1st event since this Saturday gonna be the 6th one and the saddest thing here is im always excite to go and join them but the obstacle were always the date of the event itself..huh! but not this time...yeah yeah yeah SAYA AKAN PERGI SABTU ni ^^
why does im so anticipating about it? obviously, it is a FASHION ITEM streetmarket which mean the price will be affordable and for sure the choice gonna be the up-to-date stuff that i've been looking for (^_______^) .............huhuuuuu.........
okeyhh..if you are not feel the way i feel..hahaha ^^ TAKE A LOOK at their previous Chic POP streetmarket...nanges beb nanges~

all photo are credited www.tongueinchic.com
therefore, for more info about the event CLICK HERE
and lets meet on this coming 22nd jan 2011!
kalau lar sy disana..nak pegikkk jugak okeh..menci menci menci..siyes sedih nih..
ReplyDeletehehehhehe...sabar ye akk pinky ku..nk kirim ke..leh jer ^^
ReplyDeletegoing? jom laaaa
ReplyDeleteYUP IM GOING DEAR...!!! yeah yeah yeah ^^ nk follow ke..le je contact me k! msg la babe..
ReplyDeletennt aku msg. aku msg kau pagi tadi tak balas pnn. kau pagi no apa?
ReplyDeletewah menarikk...
ReplyDeletemacam nk pg..
tp esok i nk pg melaka smpai 23 hb.. =_=
LOL sory babe...huhu i mamai tuh~ haha
ReplyDeletemirra bkn mcm...MEMG MENAREK!! i dh lme usha event ni just b4 ni xkna date..huhu..
ReplyDeletehehe g mlka?? harr jgn lupe g temp y i recomended tuh tau..slmt bcuti ^^
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