huhu..i have been tagged by Ogosh to join this contest and yup, i appreciate it so much. thanks girl! hehehe..so, this is the annoying pic of mine, doing that kind of pose LOL~

AAarrgghhhhhhh....sorry for the high level of 'gediks' here ("~___~)
to WAWA who organized this contest, hopefully this is the 'muncung yang paling cun habis' lah ek...hahhahaha MALU SUDAH SAYA! (>.<)
hemmm..for the girls reader only lah kan..buruk pulak kalau lelaki wat muncung2 nih~ hahahaha..lets together-gether join this contest and the terms and condition are as follow:
2. buat satu entry khas dengan tajuk "CONTEST MUNCUNG PALING CUN HABIS" dan linkkan terus dekat post nieh
3. letakkan banner di atas nun kat entry tersebut dan di sidebar
4. letakkan 1 keping gambar SAHAJA yang menunjukkan muncung korang yang cun habis..
5. tag 5 rakan follower korang (pastikan diorang tahu)
3. letakkan banner di atas nun kat entry tersebut dan di sidebar
4. letakkan 1 keping gambar SAHAJA yang menunjukkan muncung korang yang cun habis..
5. tag 5 rakan follower korang (pastikan diorang tahu)
tarikh tutup adalah pada 28 FEBRUARI 2011
and for the tagging..hahahahhaha...be ready k... (^___^)
Wanie-chan (haha..kau wajib join ni..asyik dok tag kter je kan! hahahaha)
k. pinky mommy (im not sure rase cam akk dah join plak..huhu)
fathiyah from Budakais (hehehe...)
fya (hehe..sorry i xtau nak tag sape lagi nih~)
k.yana je lar~ haha
k. pinky mommy (im not sure rase cam akk dah join plak..huhu)
fathiyah from Budakais (hehehe...)
fya (hehe..sorry i xtau nak tag sape lagi nih~)
k.yana je lar~ haha
good luck :)
ReplyDeleteyou slalu bertuah, mesti boleh menang neh ;p
huhuhu tenkiu syg tag kak pinky..akak suka! yg ni lom msk lg..sat g akak join ye tp kt my blog contest la...kat sini http://eppyphamdiarycontest.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletepsst..sbnrnya dh byk kamu di tag oleh kakakmu ini huhu..
wahh..tengok pics dah rasa nak ngaku kalah dah ni....gud luck ye...
ReplyDeleteamin...hehhee..xd lah farihah..klu lucky dram kn XPNH DPT pon..! X)
ReplyDeleteakk pinky, LOL tau sal blog bru akk tp xksempatan nk usha lg..laaa nama sy sudah byk di situh! HAIYoooo sorry wo..haha akn dibuka dlm mse trdekat k THANKS kak! ^^
ReplyDeletealemak ogosh jgn camtuh..hahaha awk nye NATURAL LOOK! X)
ReplyDeletewah... contest muncung... nak try carik pic , ade x.. heeeeeeeeee
ReplyDeletewahhh thanx sayang sebab tag hehheheh nice photo of u..huhuhuhu but i dun have gambar muncung lah hehehhe...insyallah kalau sempat dan ada masa fya join okeyh!!!
ReplyDeleteanyway gud luck babe~
u look more 'modelish' type than me dear..tu pun dah brape kali muncung x jadi2..sampai give-up jap...tu yg terbaik...haha
ReplyDeleteheeeee...good luck ek fathiyah! ^^
ReplyDeleteur most welcome fya ^^ yup ade mase join lah ek..good luck!
ReplyDeleteogesh-->hahaha XD sy mmg suke wat muke cam gituh...pasan chomel r tuh..xpe PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT k ^^ haha
ReplyDeletewewittt...hahaha ak kna tag plak heheh..kna korek korek pic muncung nih..tkut takde jerk hahaha
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